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Science in the Cinema InScience on Tour

The International Science Film Festival InScience is one of the biggest science film festivals in Europe. The festival opens up the fascinating world of today’s science by telling mind-blowing visual stories. Not to romanticize science, but to critically consider it and to show its huge impact on our world and lives. The programme consists of an overview of the best science films of the year, combined with talks, film debates, Q&As sessions.

Studium Generale managed to program an intriguing movie about a visionary neuroscientist's quest to build a computer simulation of the human brain: In Silico (Noah Hutton, 2020). Check out the trailer below:

Afterwards prof. dr. ir. Wilfred van der Wiel will reflect on the movie by answering your questions. Van der Wiel is full professor in the field of Nanoscience at the UT and one of the directors of BRAINS: Center for Brain-Inspired Nano Systems. Van der Wiel tries to develop more efficient hardware for information processing by studying the enery-efficient human brain. He is fascinated by brains and computers and is looking forward to discuss In Silico with you! 

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In cooperation with InScience on Tour and Concordia Cinema.


A. Heukels (Anneke)
Supporting staff