HomeEventsOfficial Opening of the Advanced Manufacturing Centre

Official Opening of the Advanced Manufacturing Centre

The official opening of the Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) will take place on 10 October 2023.

The AMC embodies all competencies of FIP-AM@UT, as a living demonstration and test facility for state-of-the art machines and the newest concepts in Advanced Manufacturing. The centre will play a vital role in strengthening local SME manufacturers with the latest knowledge and skills, in order to pave the way towards the Smart Industry goals that they have set themselves.


15.00 – Doors open

15.45  – Welcome speech

16.10 – Honouring the late Prof. Fred van Houten

16.20 – Industrial perspectives

16.45 – Unveiling by Prof. Dr Vinod Subramaniam and Prof. Dr Thomas Bergs

17.00 – Self-guided tour of AMC and time to network

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The event is accessible by invitation only.

In addition to the official opening, multiple events will be held during the same week to bring together industries, NGOs, researchers, and students. During those events, attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the latest developments related to advanced manufacturing.

In case you have any questions, please send an email to e.morasjimenez@utwente.nl