HomeEventsOfficial Opening Langezijds

Official Opening Langezijds ITC's new home on campus

We invite you to the official opening of ITC’s new home on the campus of the University of Twente: Langezijds, on 25 October. This event promises to be a milestone in our journey towards a more sustainable future, and we are excited to share it with you. 


13.15 - 14.00 ITC showcases for outgoing Minister Schreinemacher
With various showcases from our staff and students at ITC, we update the Minister and her entourage about the things we do at our faculty and university. Topics related to the energy transition, sustainable agriculture and food security, and geo-health are used as inspiring showcases.

13.45- 14.00 Welcome to the UT community with Coffee & Tea
14.00 - 14.15 Opening by outgoing Minister Schreinemacher
We are honoured to welcome outgoing Minister Liesje Schreinemacher to officially inaugurate our building. Her dedication to International Development Cooperation sets a perfect stage for Langezijds' future successes.
14.30 - Keynote speakers

Gerard van der Steenhoven
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

"Towards a climate neutral society: challenges in science and policy making”

Dita Anggraeni
United Nations OCHA, ITC Alumna

Bringing humanitarians together to effectively respond to emergencies

We will close this day with food, drinks and games on the ITC festival.
It is no longer possible to register for this event.