HomeEvents4TU.Health PhD competition

4TU.Health PhD competition

4TU.Health PhD competition

Explore new topics for and strengthen the already existing collaboration between 4TU institutions at PhD level.

To stimulate further collaboration between 4TU institutions, we will organize a digital poster presentation. As such we would like to challenge PhD students in the domain of health and tech, to present their research in an open, engaging manner.

What’s the competition?

In the context of 4TU.Health, we will organize a digital poster competition. PhD students within the health domain are challenged to present their research and open themselves up to possible future collaborations in a 4TU context. Via Zoom, participants are given the opportunity to present their poster and view the posters of others. The posters will also be 'hanged' online, prior to the presentation. The link to this gallery will be distributed among the institutes so that all researchers can take note of the research within the 4TUs in the field of health.

Timeline of the competition

1. Poster submission

  • Deadline poster submission: February 15, 2023
  • Application form to upload poster click here

2. Gallery for looking at posters open

  • From: Med February 2023 (exact date announced soon)
  • More details follow soon

3. Final day of the 4TU.Health PhD competition

  • Date: March 23, 2023
  • Time: 1.30 PM - 4 PM 
    • 1.30 PM - 2 PM: Online doors open
    • 2 PM - 2.45 PM: Presentations by WUR and UT
    • 2.45 PM - 3 PM: Break
    • 3 PM - 3.45 PM: Presentations by TU Delft and TU Eindhoven
    • 3.45 PM - 4 PM: Selection of best posters and award ceremony
  • Format: Digital event
  • Location: All submitted posters receive a link to the Livestream prior to the event.

Guidelines & Criterea

  • This competition is only intended for all PhD students within the 4TU organisations (Wageningen University and Research; University of Twente; Eindhoven University of Technology; Delft University), who are active in the health domain
  • Upload your poster (in PDF), abstract and general data by February 15th, 2023, 23:59 pm.
  • Submissions are only eligible for winning if the author takes part in the online session on the 23rd of March.
  • Each PhD student is assigned five posters for evaluation (evidently not evaluating researchers from your own institute), but additional evaluations may be performed

Assessment criteria

In this assessment, PhD students give a ranking of 1 to 5 points based on scientific content (innovativeness, outcomes, relevance and presentation) as well as the potential for future work in the area of health and tech (see appendix 1). Lastly, the evaluator can indicate if they see potential to work together, and if so, provide ideas and suggestions to work together with other PhD students from 4TU partners. The highest-ranked posters will also be evaluated by the board members of 4TU.Health.

What will you win?

The top three posters (as defined by the highest score from the reviewers) will each win € 5000,- to spend on your own research project of choice, together with a PhD student of another organization. In addition to the prize, the winner will receive the evaluator’s suggestions on potential joint work, as provided in the evaluation report, and, if relevant, use this information to select another PhD student within the 4TU institutions to collaborate with. The decision of the judges is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Application form

To participate in this competition you have to register via the link below. You also have to upload your poster in this form. Please take into account the following aspects:

  • A0 format (or at least keep the proportions the same, also so that the text is legible)
  • In English
  • Upload in PDF
  • Maximum file size of 100 MB

More information & registration

For more information and question on this competition, please contact Guido Camps or Anneliene Jonker.


The aim of 4TU.Health is to connect the knowledge and experience of four leading universities of technology to contribute to effective solutions for societal challenges in the field of health & care. By joining forces and sharing best practices, 4TU.Health is a valuable discussion partner for governments and other organisations involved in research and innovation in the health domain.