HomeEventsBioBlitz 2024: what species can you find on campus?

BioBlitz 2024: what species can you find on campus? Explore the campus & help spot plants and animals

22 May is World Biodiversity Day. At UT, we are proud of our green campus and want to exist in balance with the more than 2000 species of animals and plants that have their home here. Therefore, we kick off BioBlitz 2024 on this day: in one month, we want to spot and register as many birds, trees, flowers, butterflies and dragonflies as we can on campus. We invite you to explore the campus along with us!

Register for one or more of the BioBlitz 2024 events
Click here to register

Anyone can join the BioBlitz, no previous knowledge is required. You simply download the app Obsidentify, go explore and take photos of plants and animals that you see. These observations are checked by the people behind the website waarneming.nl (part of observation.org where nature observations documented). All information on how you can join can be found there as well. The site is available in both Dutch and English.

With a few enthusiastic people, we already made a list of the species that have been seen on campus in the past (PDF). This list contains about 2000 names! You are bound to spot something interesting on campus, if you take the time to look.

Explore the campus together

If you would like some help to get started on recording species, on identifying species and any other biodiversity questions you may have, Wim Bakker (ITC) and Brechje Marechal (CFM) will be at Langezijds on:

  • Wednesday 22 May from 12:00-13:00
  • Thursday 6 June  from 12:30-14:00
  • Wednesday 12 June from 12:30-14:00
  • Tuesday 18 June from 12:00-13:30

You can meet them at the service desk/stairs. Please register so we know you’re coming. Walk-in is also possible.

In addition, there are three moments where we will go exploring together to find birds, dragonflies or moths specifically:

  • Thursday May 23 from 07:00-09:00 together with bird expert Rolf de By (ITC) we will make a walk and try visit a few distinct habitats.  Bring binoculars if you have a pair.  This walk will happen regardless of weather, so dress for the occasion. Meeting location: Langezijds entrance.
  • Friday May 31 from 11:00-13:00 you can join us for dragonfly identification around the ponds with Wim Bakker (ITC).  Meeting location: Langezijds entrance.
  •  Friday June 14 from 22:00-24:00 you can join the Field Biology association KNNV on their moth identification event.

You can register for one or more of the above moments via this link.

  • About Wim Bakker & Rolf de By

    Wim Bakker is an expert in dragonflies, butterflies, grasshoppers, and knows a thing or two about plants and birds. He is a member of the board of the KNNV Enschede, the Field Biology association in Enschede. He is co-author of the book "De Nederlandse sprinkhanen en krekels (Orthoptera)" (Grasshoppers and crickets of the Netherlands), published in 2015.

    Rolf de By is a birder since age 12, grew up at the coast of North Holland, but has lived for more than 40 years in Twente.  He likes birding by ear, is an avid bird sound recorder, and has been searching, finding and recording birds in many places away from home.

Why is this important?

The biodiversity crisis needs more attention. Without the services that the flora and fauna offer, we, people would have a lesser quality of life. These services include shade, water, pollination, and a place for relaxation, to name just a few. Many species are listed as endangered, even more species are in serious decline. We want to increase awareness and knowledge of plants and animals and the complex relationships in nature to contribute to combatting this crisis. Will you join us?

If you would like to be informed of the results after this month, please leave your contact details on the signup form.

Sustainability at UT

UT strives towards becoming a sustainable organisation. A sustainable organisation has low CO2 emissions, a minimal use of raw materials to reduce the UT’s impact on the depletion of natural resources and deforestation combined with a focus on reuse and recycling resources. It also minimises pollution and strengthens biodiversity. Reducing CO2 emissions, becoming circular and minimising pollution as well as strengthening biodiversity are interrelated: these influence one another and are connected. For more information, please take a look at the Sustainability website.


Do you have questions about the BioBlitz 2024 or sustainability in general? Please send a message to sustainability@utwente.nl.

BioBlitz 2024: what species can you find on campus? Explore the campus & help spot plants and animals