HomeEventsSustainability Reporting for Sustainable Development and Climate Action

Sustainability Reporting for Sustainable Development and Climate Action JOIN us and DISCOVER connections of sustainable reporting to UT expertise in geospatial, technical and social sciences

Increasingly, large companies, banks and government institutions are required to disclose information on social and environmental risks, opportunities and impacts of their activities. The event is intended to raise UT awareness of the dynamic and growing area of sustainability reporting that unifies expertise from multiple disciplines and discover connections to UT expertise in geospatial, technical and social sciences.

An initiative of the Economics and Finance working group (UT/ITC/BMS), supported by Resilience@UT programme and the UT Climate Centre. The topics include sustainable development auditing, cost-benefit analysis, risk reporting and communication, and financial and non-financial reporting.

Contributions from researchers, practitioners and experts across academia, government and the business sector: UTwente, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Tilburg University, Netherlands National Court of Audit, and a CBA expert.


Safe societies | Research University of Twente (utwente.nl)

Hybrid event / Videorecording

Contact information: Marija Bockarjova (ITC/PGM) & Adriano Barasal Morales (ITC/NRS)