HomeEventsTechMed Challenges - Session 1

TechMed Challenges - Session 1 The societal challenge of staffing in healthcare

Our healthcare system is renowned for its quality, but its sustainability is at risk due to significant staff shortages, particularly in hospital and elderly care. With the World Health Organization projecting a global shortfall of 18 million healthcare workers by 2030, the urgency to address this issue is clear. In the Twente region, demographic challenges further exacerbate these shortages, leading to increased workload and stress among existing staff. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical need for sustainable employability in healthcare. To ensure the long-term well-being of healthcare professionals and maintain high-quality care, our research program seeks to innovate and implement integrated solutions. By prioritizing the work quality and support for healthcare employees, we aim to foster a resilient and effective healthcare system for the future.

General information
  • Date: 9 September 2024
  • Time: 15.00 - 17.00
  • Location: TechMed Centre, Auditorium (TL 1133)
  • Type: Internal UT event

For who: Everyone who is working on (or interested in) solutions for the staffing crisis in healthcare. 

Why is it interesting to participate

Update about Staffing as a Strategisch Impact programme

In 2023, we started exploring how we, as the University of Twente, together with our partners, can contribute to solving the increasing staffing shortages in healthcare. Despite the changing (financial) situation, we would like to explain how we will continue our activities. We are eager to explore opportunities and join forces!

Exchange of UT expertise; sharing and connecting

Various dynamic groups and projects will showcase themselves through pitches. Learn what drives them, the essence of their projects, and what they need. Discover this and perhaps interesting cross-pollinations will arise.

Explore funding opportunities

Get informed about current and future funding options that align well with this program. Then, collaborate to identify which opportunities are suitable for your project and take the first or next steps.

The programme

14.45 - 15.00

Walk in

15.00 - 15.15

Welcome & Introduction
The Journey of Staffing as a Strategic Impact Programme. Looking back and forward!

15.15 - 15.55

Pitches by UT initiatives related to staffing

15.55 - 16.10

Talk-the-talk: Funding opportunities
Dr. Mariska van den Berg - Funding officer, Universiteit Twente - TechMed Centre

16.10 - 16.50

Walk-the-walk: have a look at the funding opportunities and project ideas in the room, share, add, discuss and join forces

16.50 - 17.00

Conclusion & Follow-up


Join now: Send a confirmation email and block your calendar.
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Would you like to participate in this session? Registration is easy by sending an email to this address. Indicate in the email that you will be attending, and then you can use this link to download the meeting into your Outlook calendar.

About the Techmed Challenges Sessions

The aim is to collectively tackle critical social issues within the healthcare sector

TechMed Challenge Sessions are designed to bring together diverse stakeholders to collaboratively address pressing social issues. These sessions facilitate dynamic discussions, idea generation, and strategic planning to create impactful solutions. Participants from various sectors engage in interactive workshops and pitch presentations. The goal is to leverage collective expertise and resources to develop innovative approaches that drive meaningful societal change. Through these sessions, we aim to foster collaboration, inspire action, and generate sustainable solutions to complex challenges facing our communities.

Upcoming sessions


This session is organized by the Strategic Impact Program on 'Sustainable Employability in Healthcare', part of the University of Twente - TechMed Centre.