Binding recommendation (BSA)

Information about the Binding recommendation on continuation of studies (BSA) is given in several information meetings, see the Powerpoint presentations on the Canvas-site Industrial Design (Engineering)/Modules/Bachelor. For more details on this regulation check the Student charter

At the end of your first academic year (B1), you will be issued a BSA. If you meet the BSA standard, you will be advised to continue with your programme. You will be issued a negative BSA if you do not comply with your programme’s BSA standard. A negative BSA means you will be forced to discontinue your studies.

After the final binding recommendation there is an opportunity to be heard in a hearing when you think that you have wrongfully received a negative binding recommendation.

BSA Hearing

This year, the hearing will takes place on 21 August 2024. The committee consists of at least one programme director (OLD) of the faculty Engineering Technology. You will be given 30 minutes to tell your story the way you want to. You can bring someone along if you want to, although this person cannot speak on your behalf. The committee will ask informative questions if they feel the need to, but will not in any way reward value to your story during the hearing.

The deadline for applying for the hearing is 16 August 2024. You can apply for this hearing by sending an e-mail to When you apply please make sure that you mention your name, student number and programme.

For more information on the BSA-procedure and on the conditions for the hearing please see