UTIntercultural CompetencesContact & Frequently Asked Questions

Contact & Frequently Asked Questions

The ICCS micro-module is currently not running. Check back later or find more ECIU courses


  • What costs are involved for my participation in the ICCS course?

    This mirco-module is free of charge for all University of Twente and all ECIU university students (find an overview of its members here).

    For the mobility week of students, travelling and accommodation for students are either covered or partially compensated by the local university (depending on internal regulations). Each local university may select a number of students for which travelling and accommodation are covered/compensated based on the number of students from that university that participate in the ICCS course. Students may decide on their own if they wish to register for the mobility week or only participate in the online aspects of the ICCS course. 

  • Can all students apply to this micro-module?

    We accept students from all Bachelor and Master studies of the ECIU universities. PhD candidates and other life-long learners are not eligible for participation.

  • Do I need to travel to any of the other universities in the course?

    No travelling is required for the course! You can follow all components of the micro-module online, so you do not need to be physically present during the course (only online).

    You may decide to join the mobility week and, when selected, travel to our on-site event at the end of the course, see also our programme planning.

  • Can I choose which expert meetings I will follow?

    You are able to choose those expert meetings which fit best with your own interest and your agenda! We require you to follow at least one expert meetings per dedicated week, giving you a total of three sessions to attend out of our entire selection. Because you may not be able to attend all relevant sessions for your project, you should divide and conquer with your project team to make sure you get the information that you need!

  • How do I join the mobility week?

    See for the mobility hosting location and exact dates of the mobility week for the upcoming run the programme planning.

    Participation in the mobility week is not obligatory for the course. Students choosing to join receive, when completing the week, one additional European credit (i.e. 3 ECTS instead of 2 ECTS for only the online aspects of the ICCS course).

    At the start of the ICCS course, each local partner (i.e. your study's institution) will decide how many students they can financially support to join this mobility week. Some institutions will provide a select group of students with full compensation for the travelling and accommodation costs, other institutions may not or may only partially cover the costs. Based on the possible financial compensation, we will ask students willing to participate to apply for joining the week. We aim to support as many students as possible in this mobility.


dr. P. van Adrichem - Rotteveel (Nelleke)
ICCS project leader (Senior educational consultant)
L.G.A. Buunk MSc (Luuk)
ICCS project leader (CBL & micro-module expert)
A. Kazaferi (Atis)
ICCS assistant project leader
M.A.H.C. Snijders (Marie-Laure)
ICCS assistant project leader
N.L. Bode (Nina)
ICCS Assistant project leader
S.H. Nanwani Vaswani (Soham)
ICCS Assistant project leader