Extra time for some students

The UT offers students the opportunity to use additional features for an exam. The full list of features and the normal procedure can be found on the Examinations Office website.

For remote exams, the most important of these is the right to take additional time. The list of students who are entitled to extra time is created and shared by the examinations office. Lecturers can contact them if they do not have this list.

Extra time can be granted in all exam systems (Canvas, Remindo, etc.). This page provides an overview of the best ways to do this for each assessment type.

Below are descriptions of the different procedures.

  • Assign extra time to individuals

    In the Remindo activity overview, the exam office can allow extra time on an individual basis. This is the best option for summative assessments in Remindo. It does not matter whether students access the exam through Canvas integration or directly at the Remindo URL. However, the exam office will only provide this service for summative assessments.

    Lecturers need to set the maximum time limit in the exam recipe. Here, they set the 'normal' exam duration. The examinations office uses the list of extra time students and will assign additional time to them individually.

    For an instruction video about this process, please see the Remindo at home page.

    In a Canvas assignment you have the option to set an availaibility start and end date to restrict seeing and submitting the assignment to a certain time period. You can set different start and end dates for different students in one assignment, if you use the ‘Assign to’ option in the assignment. For example, you can make the assignment available for three specific students on April 14 between 9:00 - 12:00, and set the availability time to 9:00 - 11:00 for everyone else. For instructions, see this Canvas guide.

    If you use a Canvas assignment with Remindo link as a formative assessment, you cannot give select students additional time. For formative (practice) exams this is generally not a consideration anyway, as students are generally allowed a longer period of time to use these for practice purposes.

    In a Canvas quiz that has a time limit, you can give selected students extra time. Important: quiz availability dates still apply when time extensions have been given to specific students. If the availability until date passes when students are taking the quiz with extended time, the quiz auto-submits even if the student's time extension has not expired. So make sure you set an availability time window that is the normal time + extra time for all students, or assign different availability times to the students with extra time.

  • Late submission

    With Canvas assignments/quizzes it is possible to assign (1) a due date and (2) an availability date. Students can still hand in after (1) but before (2) and it will just be marked 'late'. You check which students handed in late, against the list of students with extra time.