Remindo in Canvas

To create a formative assessment using Remindo in Canvas, please follow the instructions below. If you have any questions about using Remindo, please contact the exam office at

Creating a test recipe

The questions from the item bank need to be added into a test recipe. This is the collection of exam questions, and all the settings for presentation and grading. For regularly scheduled final exams, the exam office creates these recipes and lecturers only add their questions to them. For formative assessments, please find instructions below for creating a recipe yourself.

Adding questions to a recipe

Adding questions to a recipe is the same as for a summative exam. This instruction video shows all the steps.

Creating a link to include into Canvas

The recipe is made available in Canvas via an LTI link. This is generated in Remindo and inserted into Canvas.

LetTING students grade their own exam (optional)

You can choose to include open questions in the exam and let students grade their own work. This is done through a Remindo interface where they see the scoring criteria for that question, and can assign themselves points accordingly.

Exam analysis and review

After the exam, an analysis page is available in Remindo. Students can also review their completed exam online.