Adding questions to a recipe

The steps for adding questions to a recipe are described below. Follow the description below or watch the instruction video to add questions to a recipe.

1. Add rule: Before you can add questions to a recipe, you have to add a ‘rule’

Rules are used in the assigning of correction work. Each rule can be assigned to a different examiner.

Tip: For formative tests, without open questions, it is possible to set up a 'recipe' with only one 'rule'.


2. Add selection: Click to add questions to the ‘recipe’.

Tip: With the filter  or search (at the left) you can search for specific questions.

3. Select all questions:

4. Order of questions:

5. Save recipe: First save the changes, before ‘approving the recipe’

6. Approve recipe: You have to approve the ‘recipe’, before it can be used.