Creating a test recipe

Questions in Remindo are created in the item bank. For more information about this, please see the general Remindo support site.

Once you have created the questions, you can add these to an exam 'recipe'.  The available settings are described below.

1. Name: use a name to recognize this specific formative test.

For example: [date / month] – [name of the course] – [name of the module part] 

March 2020 – Smart products –  Electronics

2. Code: use a code to recognize this specific formative test.

For example: [Name of programme] –[Osiris course code] – [academic year] – [block/quartile]

B-AT – 201900123 – 1920 – quartile 3 (formative)

3. Type: Type of test

4. Selected courses for this recipe: The exam office creates a course in Remindo that needs to be linked to each recipe. If you do not see your course, please contact e-assessment.

5.  Caesura type: the caesura determines the line between a sufficient and insufficient score.

6. Score type:

7. Apply correction for guessing: For closed questions, the grade is corrected for the % chance a student could guess the answer.

8. Grade range: Default setting is a grade in the range of ‘1-10’

9. Round score to: Default setting is ‘1 decimal’. 

10.  Rounding method: Default setting ‘Normal rounding rules’

11. Score distribution: Which percentage of the total score is sufficient for a passing grade.

12. Maximum number of retries

13. Duration (in minutes): it is possible to limit the duration of the formative test.


14. Introduction text: (optional) This text is shown before the (formative) test is started.

15. Closing text: (optional) This text is shown just before the (formative) test is finished.

16. Calculator available? 

17. Text marker available: Is it possible for students to mark text in the questions or case courses?

18. Show feedback during the test? The feedback included for that question can be shown immediately.

Settings 19 -24 determine the visibility of results for students within Remindo. This will not be shown inside Canvas.

19. Show feedback report: Turn the feedback report on or off.

20. Show (results of) answered questions

21. Show the number of correct/incorrect answers

22. Show the score

23. Show the grade

24.  Show score area name

25. Delivery of this recipe to test players: default setting is ‘this recipe can be delivered to test players’, this is necessary to make it possible to schedule the test.

26. In the test player (afnameomgeving) it will be possible to

Tip: please check all the boxes, to make it possible to change the settings of a recipe after scheduling this recipe.

27. Protect questions by:

Tip: please check all the boxes.

28. Enable full screen protection: for an at-home exam, this is not recommended.