Linking the exam

1.       Open the ‘afname-omgeving’ of Remindo:

2.       Go to Courses & Recipes

3.       Search at the left side of the page for your course

4.       Choose the recipe you want to use in Canvas, click on  to go to the ‘recipe details’

5.       On the left side, you can choose to make a connection using LTI

6.       A URL is generated – click to copy this link and use this in Canvas

7.       Create a Canvas Assignment for an external tool in your Canvas Course.

8.       Copy the Remindo URL from step 6 into the “Enter or find an external tool URL” field, don’t use the “Find” button.

9. Choose the start and end time. It is recommended hat you set the time limit in Remindo in the exam recipe. Students will see a countdown on their screen if you do it this way. In Canvas, just have the exam be available for the entire day:

10.       Save and publish your Assignment.

11.     Present the Assignment to your Students, for example under the Modules. Go to the Modules page and click the “+” sign from one of the existing Modules or create a Module.


12.     In the Window that appears choose “Assignment” in the Add field. Now you can select your prepared Remindo Assignment. Click the “Add item” button.


13.      Your Canvas Remindo Assignment is now accessible for students.

Note: We have added two test accounts to Remindo for student role testing. You can ask your faculty E-Learning specialist for the details of these Canvas student role test accounts (names: StudentRoleOnly01 and StudentRoleOnly02).