UTLearning & Teaching PortalL&T NewsEduTalks: Live! Vision on Learning & Teaching
Martin Bosker
Martin Bosker

EduTalks: Live! Vision on Learning & Teaching Live recorded podcast with the writers of the Vision on Learning & Teaching

What is the UT’s Vision on Learning & Teaching? Tom Veldkamp, Ciano Aydin, and Lieke Schreel answered various questions in a live recorded podcast during the Week of Education. They discuss the elements that make up the Vision on Learning & Teaching in a playful manner, but also share some future insights of our education on ongoing discussions regarding financial impact and internationalization.

Listen to the podcast now on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or right here:

EduTalks Live

This podcast was recorded with a live audience during the Week of Education, in which the new Teacher of the Year and BIG-award winner were announced, together with various workshops, lectures, and interactive sessions focused on improving, celebrating, and inspiring educational practices and promoting educational innovation.