UTServicesCFMLTSHNewsWorkshop 'look and feel 'for staffmembers ITC

Workshop 'look and feel 'for staffmembers ITC

On Tuesday 17 December 2019, an ITC staff delegation of 13 went to the Grotius building of the Radboud University in Nijmegen. The interior design of this building was created by Studio Groen+Schild Interior design, they will also create the design for the interior of the new ITC building.

We started off with a tour through the building. And then heard how the design of that building had taken shape trough similar workshops as we were to embark. Their wish was to design a building with respect for tradition but with a focus on the future. This translates itself in the interior through the many wooden elements and the use of the colour green but it is also reflected in the contemporary design. Classical elements given a contemporary makeover.

After this tour we started hands on with the workshop. Our party was divided into three groups. The groups were asked to identify images that would suit the different parts of the new building like the entrance, workplace, meeting places e.g.. The groups had to explain their choices to the designers, and to each other. A fun process. In the end we found that from the packages of approximately 200 pictures we had many overlaps in the three groups!  The next Look and Feel workshop will be held on January 14th and is student only. Maybe they come up with something completely different? We are curious how all of this will be translated Studio Groen+Schild Interior design into the design for the our new building.  

Text and photos: Annemarie Arets