
Timeline and Planning

Orientation and start Research Topics



After approx. 60 EC

Start thinking about an area / subject for your Final Project (and Research Topics). Start appoaching possible supervisors in the area of your preffered topic. If you are looking to carry our your final project within a company start approaching companies for possible assignments.

You are meant to find a company or assignment on your own, but if you are struggling, approach your programme coordinator for suggestions for companies or ask your supervisor(s) for suggestions. If it takes too long, we can always help you find an assignment at one of our research chairs.
optional: If you are looking for an in-company project, but are unable to find one and your supervisor can't help you with contacts, you can check out for example Jobteaser, companies like Integrand or check out the mobility office / internship office EEMCS Canvas for potential assignments. There is also an option to already start RT and find a company with an assignment in the area of your topic while already diving into the literature. Though it might mean you can use just a bit less of your preparatory efforts when coming into the FP. 

After 75 EC in courses

Start Research Topics 

To start, register in Osiris and fill out the Standard registration in Mobility Online. After the registration log back in again to continue with the procedure, and print and upload the signed from to make the registration formal.  
If you are doing an assigment abroad, please fill out the Extended FP pipeline parallel to this one, for the entirety of your stay.
Please send BOZ-BIT@utwente.nl an email when you upload or change something in Mobility. The system does not notify them automatically. 

At the start or during reserach topics, check whether or not your reserach needs an ethical review by the ethics committee. If yes, send in the request based on your topic and main supervisor.
- If your main supervisor is from BMS and topic is somewhat related to their research, please send in the request via https://www.utwente.nl/en/bms/research/ethics-domainHSS/explanation-webapplication/ (see also the FAQ, who can send in a request and https://www.utwente.nl/en/bms/research/ethics-domainHSS/)
- If your main supervisor is from EEMCS and the topic is somewhat related to their research, please send in the request via https://www.utwente.nl/en/eemcs/research/ethics/ 
- If you are not sure whether you need a review or where to apply, discuss this with your supervisor(s).  

Carry out Research Topics
- involve a second supervisor before the end of RT

Orientation and start Final Project



While finishing Research Topics

Start Final Project
Complete/mark as finished your Research Topics in Mobility Online
Revisit the question whether or not your research needs an ethical review and discuss this with your supervisors (see also above). 

To start the Final Project

(max 10 EC in courses left unfinished other than RT)

Register in Osiris and with the Extended Registration form in Mobility Online and after a check by BOZ (credits and supervisors) log back in and complete the procedure: upload the form, signed by two members of the graduation committee (one from BMS and one from EEMCS) to make your registration formal.
Please send BOZ-BIT@utwente.nl an email when you upload or change something in Mobility. The system does not notify them automatically. 

You can read the Mobility Online Manual for more elaborate explanation about the registration or visit the Educational Systems website

After registering in Extended form, you always have to log back in again and follow the procedure and status of your application with the Educational Affairs Office (BOZ). 

If the contents of your assignment and thesis need to stay confidential, you have to submit a written request for confidentiality to the Programme director. Keep in mind that confidenty is always limited to a set period (see also the EER), typically two years.

Carry out Final Project  

Finalizing Final Project and graduation



After 4-5 months
At least one month before final presentation / colloquium

Green Light
At the end of his graduation work the graduation committee gives the student the “green-light”. This means the student can finalize his work and organize his colloquium. The result of his graduation work will be sufficient. 

Need more time?

Please be aware that the Final project can take max 5 months without extention

After getting ' green light' 
5 months

To request your final presentation and master examination:
At least 3 weeks before the presentation, fill out and hand in forms for your Form announcement colloquium (graduation) at BOZ (boz-bit@utwente.nl)

At least one day before your final presenation

Upload thesis to Essay.utwente.nl