Premaster Study Programme

Achieved a Dutch degree and wish to follow the master's in Mechanical Engineering? Find out if you need to follow a pre-master's first.

After you have sent in your application for the Master's in Mechanical Engineering, a committee will check your eligibility. An outcome of this assessment may be that you first have to complete a pre-master's before being admitted.

What is a pre-master's?

A pre-master's is a transfer programme for students of a Dutch university of applied sciences ('hbo' in Dutch) or a Dutch research university who cannot be admitted directly to the master's they wish to follow. The goal is to bridge the gap between your current bachelor's (in a related field) and your future master's. Learn more about pre-master's in general

What applies to you?

Do you want to get insights into the pre-master's? The programme you need to take, depends on your previous or current education. What kind of education do or did you follow?

What is expected of you?

The pre-master's is designed not only to address any deficiencies in your prior knowledge, but it is also an effective way to find out whether studying at a research university is right for you. Therefore, the following rules apply:


For questions about your admission to this pre-master's, contact the coordinator mentioned below. For general information about the Master's in Mechanical Engineering, you can contact our Study Information Centre.