UTMESA+MESA+ InstituteNewsSecond year in a row big Perspectief programme for Willem Vos

Second year in a row big Perspectief programme for Willem Vos

Seven broad research consortia will receive a total of 35 million euros to conduct research on technological innovations that provide answers to societal challenges. The new Perspectief projects will focus on, among other things, tastier plant-based foods, more affordable and accessible medical imaging technology, and flat optics for more sustainable high-tech devices. UT co-programme leader Willem Vos (TNW) has managed to secure a major Perspective programme for the second year in a row.

The AWAVE project (Advanced Wave Engineering for Sustainable Optical Applications) is developing flat optical components. These will enable lithography machines (for chip production) to use fewer parts, lamps to use less energy and produce more light, and inkjet printers to print more predictable, glossy, full-colour images.

Flat optics to do more with less

The researchers are combining two of the latest technologies for manipulating light to replace today’s large and curved optical components with flat alternatives with flat fronts and backs that generate less light distortion. The new components are easier to recycle and use fewer harmful substances. They also emit more colours of light at once. This will enable much sharper images and new applications. Budget (including cofunding): 3.1 million euros.

Prof.dr. Willem Vos

The fun of Perspectief programmes is to listen carefully to practical questions from high-tech industries and distil groundbreaking and fundamental research questions from them.

Prof.dr. Willem Vos


Programme leaders: Dr. Nandini Bhattacharya (Delft University of Technology) and Prof. dr. Willem Vos (University of Twente). Knowledge institutes: ARCNL, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente Companies: AAC Hyperion, ASML, Canon, Demcon, JMO, SCIL, Signify, SumiproFlat optics to do more with less Advanced Wave Engineering for Sustainable Optical Applications (AWAVE).


Perspectief is a programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO), funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. The programme challenges researchers to establish broad, cross-disciplinary consortia with industry, civil society organisations and governments to conduct research focused on societal challenges and key technologies. Together, they work on technological innovations with societal impact and the creation of economic opportunities for the Netherlands. In doing so, the projects contribute to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy’s mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy.

There is also a Perspectief project for: SusInkCoat research consortium receives €6 million for green revolution in thin films, coatings and inks (utwente.nl)

drs. J.G.M. van den Elshout (Janneke)
Press relations (available Mon-Fri)