UTMESA+MESA+ InstituteNewsInspiring young talents to take an interest in technology through internships

Inspiring young talents to take an interest in technology through internships Dion: "It's fascinating to learn about various installations."

Spending eight weeks interning at both the cleanroom of the NanoLab at the University of Twente and the cleanroom of the High Tech Factory, Dion Huisken – a student in Engineering Technology at ROC of Twente – completed his internship just before the summer and looks back fondly on his experience. "I enjoyed coming to my internship every day. I observed, experienced, and learned a lot!"

Engineering Technology

"At the moment, I'm in the first year of studying Engineering Technology at ROC of Twente. The study focuses on different areas within the technology sector. From the second half of the first year, you choose a specialization: machine building or building-related installations. Everyone also does an eight-week internship in the first year. It's really an introductory internship to further explore and see if the chosen specialization suits you."


"I chose the specialization of building-related installations because I really enjoy mechatronics. During my internship at the cleanroom of the NanoLab and the cleanroom of the High Tech Factory, I discovered that I had chosen the right specialization. During my internship, I saw many things that I had learned in school: I saw how materials and machines look in real life, how they work, how the wires are laid out, and what the cabinets look like. What I love about mechatronics is the combination of sheet metal work and electrical engineering."

Dion Huiskens, Student Engineering Technology at ROC van Twente

"My career guidance counsellor at ROC told me about the opportunity to do an internship at the NanoLab at the University of Twente. I knew that many companies are based here and the university is located here; I cycle past it often. But I didn't know that there was such a large high-tech lab like the NanoLab."

Dion Huiskens, Student Engineering Technology at ROC van Twente

Inspiring young talents to take an interest in technology

The idea of offering internships at the NanoLab came from Roald Tiggelaar (project researcher at NanoLab) and Henk-Jan de Haan (Technical Facility Manager at NanoLab and the High Tech Factory). Henk-Jan: "We notice that many young people think technology is 'dusty' or old-fashioned. It's a shame because a lot of innovation is happening in the technology sector. Big companies like U-Needle, LioniX, Demcon, and Micronit originated here as spin-offs, and Xsens' motion sensors and Bluetooth technology have their roots in the NanoLab. It all started here. It's important that we inspire young talents to get into technology, show them what's happening in the region, and let them experience the places where it all happens."

Collaboration with ROC of Twente and Saxion

That's how collaborating with the ROC of Twente and Saxion came about. "We want to offer both mbo—and hbo education students the chance to join the cleanrooms of the NanoLab and the High Tech Factory. Here, they can learn about everything from climate control aspects to the work of technicians, and from the differences between the two cleanrooms to the contrast between science and industry."

50/50 internship: Getting to know both worlds

The 50/50 internship has now been set up, and Dion is the first student to have completed it. Henk-Jan: "The 50/50 internship means that the student spends 50% of their time in the cleanroom of the NanoLab and the other 50% in the cleanroom of the High Tech Factory. This is a deliberate choice because it highlights the synergy between the two. On the one hand, the student learns from spin-off companies and the industry at the High Tech Factory, and on the other hand, they get to experience the academic side in the cleanroom of the NanoLab. This way, they get to know both worlds."

Learning the differences

After just a few weeks, Dion already noticed some differences. "I find the work in the cleanroom of the NanoLab much more enjoyable; it suits me better because it's much more focused on production. I enjoyed coming to my internship every day and learned a lot. I could join in, observe new machines being connected, and receive detailed explanations of how the machines work. It's also fun to see the differences between the two cleanrooms. For example, you can see differences in the demineralized water (filtered water) used in both cleanrooms."

Getting hands-on in the cleanroom

In addition to observing, there's also room to get hands-on during your internship. "I was allowed to clean with demineralized water and make a wafer in the cleanroom. That was a lot of fun! And by being able to do things myself, I also learned what I don't want to do. I don't have the patience for standard processing. Tinkering with machines suits me much better!"

Dion Huiskens

"I learned an incredible amount in the past eight weeks and definitely recommend this internship to new first-year students of the program. You get to see many different coolers and water and steam installations. It's very interesting to learn about various installations."


Henk-Jan: "We must attract more talent to the UT now and in the future. We need students at both the NanoLab and the High Tech Factory, and it's essential to get them acquainted with us early in their studies and to inspire them to join the wonderful work environment we have here. Dion was our first intern in the 50/50 internship, and of course, we had a lot of learning moments as well. It's always customized. An intern gets to see many different components in just eight weeks; I can imagine it's a lot of information. Dion was very engaged, and I believe all the insights he gained here will benefit him. We certainly hope to welcome many more interns in the future!"

Are you joining us for an internship?

In addition to internships for mbo-students, we also offer internships for hbo-students (with or without a project). Want to know more about the opportunity to do an internship? We'd love to talk to you! Send us a message at mesaplus@utwente.nl, and we might see you soon!