OoCCT symposium “Organs-on-Chip: The Future is Now”

On 30 May 2023 the Organ-on-Chip Centre Twente hosted a symposium featuring a digital Donald Ingber (Wyss Institute and Harvard University) and physically present Massimo Mastrangeli (TU Delft). After two inspiring presentations, the discussions continued over drinks and bites.


Donald E. Ingber, M.D., Ph.D., is the Founding Director of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. He is a pioneer in the field of biologically inspired engineering and currently leads scientific and engineering teams that cross a broad range of disciplines to develop breakthrough bioinspired technologies to advance healthcare and to improve sustainability.

Massimo Mastrangeli is a tenure tracker within the Microelectronics department at TU Delft. He is investigating the design and fabrication of innovative Si/polymer-based microelectromechanical organ-on-chip platforms, and alternative processes for ultra-high throughput assembly of microcomponents.

Massimo Mastrangeli presenting his work on electric standardized organ-on-chip devices and platforms.