Demo symposium by OoCCT

On 21 May 2024 the Organ-on-Chip Centre Twente hosted a successful demo symposium featuring speakers from Micronit and bi/ond.

Sandro Meucci (Micronit) and Mitchell Han (bi/ond) inspired us with their company's research and developments in the field of Organ-on-Chip. After their presentations, they displayed their products in a small booth and were lively interactions over a coffee or soda. Students from the masters course Microphysiological Systems were attending as well, having the opportunity to speak with company researchers in the field.


Micronit Sandro Meucci: Specialist in design and production of lab-on-a-chip and MEMS products.

Bi/ond Mitchell Han: Empower biological innovations with engineered microchips.

Booth hosted by Organ-on-Chip Centre Twente and MESA+ Institute, with samples from bi/ond.

Samples from Micronit.

Sandro Meucci presenting.

Demo of the work from bi/ond and Micronit for all attendees.