UTMESA+MESA+ InstituteResearch & DevelopmentCentres of expertiseSolar CentreNewsFirst official meeting of the Solar Centre at University of Twente successful!
Jurriaan Schmitz

First official meeting of the Solar Centre at University of Twente successful!

The Solar Centre at University of Twente (UT) has recently successfully completed its first official meeting, called Connectivity Day. The purpose of Connectivity Day was to bring UT’s Solar Community together to discuss about internal and external connections. In this context, representatives of each of the five faculties of UT presented their activities in the field of solar energy research and education. These extensive and interesting presentations were supported by a discussion about what can be learnt from each other and what connections exist for more collaboration. About 20 interested colleagues with diverse backgrounds participated in this event, which was appreciated a lot according to the feedback received. Finally, the day was completed with a nice, interactive social event.

Solar Centre is open to staff members and other interested colleagues. In the framework of this MESA+ Centre, networking activities will be executed, such as workshops, as well as knowledge dissemination activities. The next meeting that is scheduled will be Research Day which will take place on 3 November 2022 at UT. The full agenda and exact location will be announced soon on the website of the Solar Centre and through the communication channels of MESA+.