Solar Centre Research Day invitation for symposium on November 3rd

We cordially invite you to participate in the Symposium ‘Solar Energy Research at UT’, where we will also introduce the recently started Solar Energy Centre of the MESA+ institute.

Date: November 3rd 2022 (9:00 - 17:00)

Location: Grand Café of building Gallery at the University of Twente

UT comprises a rich and diverse landscape in the field of solar energy, a topic which is embraced by all faculties. The Solar Center is connecting the UT Solar community on the following themes:

Theme 1. “Materials science for solar energy conversion”

Theme 2: “Smart system integration and optimization”

Theme 3: “Designing improved product-service combinations”

The symposium program consists of national and international speakers on the three themes and a tour to some of UT lab facilities (the complete program will follow). We highly encourage postdocs, PhD students and bachelor and master students to bring a poster highlighting your research in Solar Energy. Note that it is possible that this email doesn’t reach your whole group, so please forward it to your students. The more posters the better to have a lively interaction.

For registration, please send an email to, indicating whether you will participate with or without poster and eventual additional information about your food preferences / allergies.

Looking forward to seeing you on November 3rd,

The Solar Energy Center steering committee