HomeNews & eventsPhotonics online webinar - series #3

Photonics online webinar - series #3 Health application

Gain insights from the best! Join industry experts and researchers for our online webinar series on health application.


  • Prof. dr. Sonia M. García Blanco - "Al2O3-on-SiO2 integrated photonic platform"

    A general overview about the Al2O3 integrated photonic platform with emphasis on the building blocks that are being developed in the ALUVia Project.


    Prof. Dr. Sonia M. García Blanco is a full professor leading the Integrated Optical Systems group (IOS), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. The research interests of IOS include the development of new materials, integration technologies and devices for integrated photonics for various applications. She received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in 2003. After a Postdoctoral position with the University of Toronto, she joined the Institute National d’Optique in Québec (Canada) as a staff member working in infrared microbolometer detectors and wafer-level integration technologies. In 2010, she joined the University of Twente as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor and currently as full professor at IOS. She is recipient of the ERC Consolidator grant and then an ERC Proof-of-concept and an EIC Transition.

  • PhD Emil Z. Ulsig - "Shining Light on Health: Breakthrough in Compact Far-UVC Lasers for Safer Environments"

    In the pursuit of safer environments and enhanced public health, far-UVC light (200-230 nm) has emerged as a revolutionary tool due to its ability to inactivate pathogens while being safe for human exposure. This presentation unveils our recent breakthrough in developing a compact, solid-state far-UVC laser source, leveraging second-harmonic generation (SHG) from a commercially available blue laser diode. Utilizing a novel approach that integrates nanophotonic waveguides with a beta barium borate (BBO) nonlinear crystal, we achieve efficient Cherenkov phase-matching and high conversion efficiency. This innovation not only paves the way for scalable mass production but also opens new avenues for applications in disinfection, non-line-of-sight communication, and deep-UV Raman spectroscopy. By addressing key technological challenges and demonstrating the practical feasibility of this compact laser source, our work sets the stage for far-reaching impacts in healthcare and beyond.

    This talk will delve into the technical advancements and practical implications of our research, highlighting how integrated photonics and far-UVC technology can contribute to safer, pathogen-free environments in various settings.


    Emil Z. Ulsig is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Aarhus University (Denmark) and an engineer at UVLaser, where he focuses on developing nonlinear photonic integrated circuits for frequency conversion. He completed his PhD on efficient second-order frequency conversion in III-V-on-insulator platforms, which contributed valuable insights to the field of photonics. Co-founding UVLaser, Emil Z. Ulsig has been working on advancing far-UVC technologies, with a particular interest in compact, solid-state far-UVC lasers and the integration of nanophotonic waveguides with nonlinear crystals. His research is aimed at enabling practical applications in areas like public health, secure communication, and spectroscopy, reflecting his commitment to pushing the boundaries of photonic technology.

  • Dr. Dawson Bonneville - "Integrated Photonics for Health Applications: Past, Present, and Future Overview"

    This talk will highlight recent achievements in the healthcare domain using integrated photonics, as well as point towards trends for future use of varying materials and devices for biological sensing applications.


    Dawson Bonneville received his Bachelor and PhD from McMaster University, Canada in Engineering Physics, specializing in integrated photonics with a variety of materials for amplifiers and sensors and now is a Postdoc in the Integrated Optical Systems group at University of Twente in the Netherlands. Here he is continuing his research on integrated photonics with a focus on sputter deposited aluminium oxide for UV photonics as well as erbium doped alumina for amplifiers and lasers.