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Provincial Executive visits UT

The opportunities for the Netherlands to develop are primarily there in the regions such as Twente and Overijssel. This was the conclusion during the fascinating working visit to the university by the Provincial Executive (GS) of the province of Overijssel and the Executive Board of the University of Twente on Tuesday 5 December 2023. It was the first time since the current GS board was formed that the two boards met so extensively.

The visit provided an excellent opportunity to discuss joint ambitions. The Province of Overijssel and the University of Twente are taking the initiative in developing the opportunities agenda to be drawn up by the region. This agenda aims to ensure that investments in the region contribute optimally to social returns.

The boards not only spoke at length about the ambition and intentions for the coming period, but also took a look at various places within the university, including the DISC lab at the ITC faculty, the TechMed Centre, DesignLab and NanoLab.