HomeNews & eventsCorporate announcementsAnnual report 2022: the world is changing, UT is changing with it

Annual report 2022: the world is changing, UT is changing with it

In its annual report, the University of Twente accounts for its policies and the realisation of its plans. The report looking back on 2022 was published today. A novelty: a digital version is now available and the annual report is in both Dutch and English.

Sixtieth anniversary

2022 was the year the University of Twente celebrated its 60th anniversary. “The landscape in which the university operates has changed significantly during those sixty years, and UT has changed with it”, the Executive Board states in the annual report. Whereas initially, the focus lays on strengthening the economic vitality of the region, the task addressed by the university has increasingly taken on a broader social character. Society faces major challenges. Shaping2030, our institutional strategy, is focused on generating social impact to help face these challenges.

Contributing to a fair, sustainable and digital world

In 2022, there were wonderful examples of how we are successfully contributing to a just and more sustainable world, making the most of the opportunities created by technology and digitalisation. One of these contributions is to train the young talent that will shape the world of tomorrow. The University of Twente always gets high scores in the National Student Survey, which measures how satisfied students are with their studies. In 2022 we were again amongst the best-ranking institutions, proving that our educational programmes are both attractive and relevant for the students. Our personal approach is highly appreciated and the students are very satisfied with the quality of the education and facilities provided by UT. But, however positive the students assess us, it is always a challenge to inspire new students to come and study in Twente, as is evidenced by the intake figures.

Additionally, our research and knowledge transfer activities make a substantial contribution to a better world. Our researchers actively engage in the public debate to help find solutions to major challenges, such as future-proofing health care, the climate crisis and digitalisation. We are committed to initiatives both in our region and outside of it. Our collaborative projects in Apeldoorn, Zwolle and with VU University Amsterdam are increasingly taking shape and enable us to make a social impact there too. Citizen science – where citizens are more closely involved in academic research – is booming at UT and open-access publishing is increasingly becoming the norm, ensuring that the knowledge we develop can be accessed by a wider audience.

Digital and bilingual

This year, the annual report has been given a new look. It is no longer available only as a pdf file, but can be conveniently browsed in a digital tool. Furthermore, for the first time, the annual report is in both Dutch and English, following the desire to make the annual report easily accessible to the entire UT community and all other stakeholders.

L.P.W. van der Velde MSc (Laurens)
Spokesperson Executive Board (EB)