HomeNewsCTIT awards for two SOR PHd students

CTIT awards for two SOR PHd students

D:\Profiles\ommerenjcw\Desktop\aleidaprize.JPGCHOIR PhD students Aleida Braaksma and Maartje van de Vrugt have both won an award at the CTIT symposium “Taking care for tomorrow; Towards personalized health services”, June 3rd 2014. Aleida Braaksma won the second price with her pitch on her PhD research. In only 3 minutes, PhD students had to explain their research to a broad audience. Afterwards, the crowd was allowed to ask questions. Both the presentation, slides, and answering the questions were judged by a jury.

D:\Profiles\ommerenjcw\Desktop\maartjeprize.JPGMaartje van de Vrugt won the first price at the poster competition with her poster titled ‘Improving planning at a breast cancer outpatient clinic’. During the breaks of the symposium program, PhD students had the opportunity to display their poster and provide interested visitors (and the poster jury) with additional information on their research.

Both awards include a sum of money. The CTIT symposium is an annual symposium at the University of Twente of research institute CTIT.