HomeNews3 SOR MSc students graduated Cum Laude

3 SOR MSc students graduated Cum Laude

August 29, 2014, three SOR MSc students graduated Cum Laude. 

Xinwei Bai worked on random walks in the quarter plane under supervision of Jasper Goseling. Xinwei investigated the properties of a new class of such random walks. She was awarded a De Winter fellowship and a TGS grant to complete her master's studies. Xinwei was recently awarded a CSC scholarship that enables her to continue her studies in a PhD project under supervision of Jasper Goseling.

Clara Stegehuis worked on mathematical methods for early prediction of long-term impact of scientific publications under supervision of Nelly Litvak and Ludo Waltman (CWTS, Leiden). Clara suggested new methods and discovered new relations between publication from the same country and university. On basis of her work, a scientific paper will be submitted to Journal of Informetrics – a leading journal for quantitative analysis of science. Clara will become a PhD student at TUE under supervision of Ivo Adan. 

Corine Laan worked on reduction of the access times at a surgical outpatient clinic under supervision of Maartje van de Vrugt. Her project took place at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital, ‘s Hertogenbosch. Together with a surgeon of the hospital, Corine explored and investigated possibilities to decrease the access time at the outpatient clinic. Corine will continue working at SOR as a PhD student on a joint project with TNO and NLDA under supervision of Richard Boucherie.