HomeNewsFirst X-ray Metrology workshop at the University of Twente

First X-ray Metrology workshop at the University of Twente

Materials analysis using X-ray inspection is rapidly developing. It provides either high spatial resolution, down to atomic dimensions, or high elemental sensitivity, down to ppb detection. Nanotechnology is more and more exploiting these unique analytical features.

On the 1st and 2nd of October 2015 the first X-ray Metrology Workshop was organized by the XUV Optics and IMS groups of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. The main goal of the workshop was to provide students and young researchers with the basics of common and advanced X-ray metrology techniques and to create a discussion platform on X-ray analysis for material science research.

The workshop was well attended by 82 participants from 7 countries, among them 41 from outside the University of Twente and 11 from industry. During the workshop lectures on X-ray reflectivity, spectroscopy, diffraction, scattering and imaging were given by scientists leading their respective fields worldwide. The program of the workshop can be found here. Participants presented their research in oral and poster presentations.


Encouraged by this success the organizers are planning a follow-up event in the fall of 2016.