HomeNewsSecond call for proposals Living Smart Campus

Second call for proposals Living Smart Campus

This week the Executive Board announces the opening of its 2nd Call for Proposals for Living Smart Campus projects.

With this call, the Board invites the UT community to submit project proposals to reinforce the innovative capacity of the University of Twente and the development of its unique campus.

At the start of 2016, the Executive Board invited the UT community for the first time to submit project proposals for Living Smart Campus (LSC). This invitation met with an enthusiastic response. From over fifty proposals, six were selected for the purposes of implementation and monitoring. The outcomes (success factors and points for improvement) of this experimental phase provided the basis for developing a Living Smart Campus programme and creating a Platform.

The Board recently appointed the members of the Platform of LSC. Maarten van Steen, scientific director of CTIT, is appointed as chair. In November, the members of the Platform will assess whether the submitted projects are relevant to the Living Smart Campus programme and if a proposal can be accepted in the LSC programme.  

What is the Living Smart Campus programme?

The Living Smart Campus programme provides an environment for working on complex social issues that call for scientific solutions. In the search for these solutions, the campus living environment becomes part of the experiments, offering a unique setting in which to prepare solutions before they are introduced into society. Students and scientists live and work close by, which makes the experiments easier to carry out while raising awareness of the work being conducted.  

What’s in it for you to participate in the Living Smart Campus programme?

The added value to participate in the LSC programme is given by the possibility of an experimentation platform. A project in LSC programme can rely on the executive commitment. The LSC programme gives an easier access to support services and creates a greater potential for possible connections with other parts of the UT. You also have direct access to financial advice for obtaining funding and developing business models. And in the end you will get more exposure for the project you are working on.  

Criteria for LSC projects in the future

Every LSC project should ideally meet all of the requirements outlined below.

  • Scientifically challenging or something that is typical of the academic community
  • Focused on society
  • Could spark debate
  • External involvement (of non-UT parties) is strongly preferred
  • Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary
  • Should involve scientific as well support staff (this may be different for student initiatives)
  • Short-term (total duration max. 2 years)
  • Already funded or likely to obtain own funding

On 8 November the call for proposals will be closed. Subsequently the Platform will assess the proposals. All applicants of selected proposals will be invited for a workshop on 8 December, 2016.

More information

Go to the website of the Living Smart Campus programme.