HomeNewsVisit of John Heidemann to DACS

Visit of John Heidemann to DACS

DACS was glad to have John Heidemann as a visitor on 14-15 July, 2016. John is a senior project leader at the University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute (USC/ISI) and a research professor at USC in Computer Science. Besides meeting with DACS researchers to advance ongoing collaborations and to explore potential new lines for collaboration, John also gave a very interesting CTIT colloquium ("Internet Reliability, from Addresses to Outages") in which he explained how his research on IPv4 mapping and enumeration has generated many spin-off researches along 10 years.

Thank you for your visit John, we were happy to have you around. Hope to seeing you soon again in Twente!

John Heidemann and one of the major symbols of the University of Twente in a sunny summer day.