HomeNewsProf. dr. Paul Havinga appointed as guest professor at Nanchang University (NCU)

Prof. dr. Paul Havinga appointed as guest professor at Nanchang University (NCU)

Prof. dr. Paul Havinga has been appointed as guest professor at the Nanchang University (NCU), at the School of Information Engineering. This appointment further strengthens the position of the University of Twente in the international network in the field of networked sensing systems and Internet of Things.

On April 27, he gave his inaugural lecture, entitled “Smart IoT systems”, in which the impact and challenges of future Internet of Things technology and services were highlighted. His appointment acknowledges both the strong collaboration among the two universities, as well as the importance of the research area that will be addressed in this new chair. 

The collaboration that will follow from Havinga’s appointment at Nanchang University entails a stronger focus on these areas for both research and education. NCU places great emphasis on international exchange and cooperation.  A new joint research centre on smart sensing systems will be established, through which joint research projects can be executed. The research centre can establish joint research in smart sensing systems and related subjects, staff and student exchange, joint academic workshops and exchange of materials relevant to education and research. A number of doctoral candidates will carry out research, partly in Twente and partly in China.

On the photo (left to right): Prof. dr. Paul Havinga, Wang Yuhao (Dean), Qiu TaoRong (Chair of Department), Wu YouXin (Prof).

About nanchang university

Nanchang University (NCU) is a National Key University in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. It was established in 1940 as National Chung Cheng University. NCU hosts a graduate school and 21 undergraduate schools including colleges of Information Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Software.

In recognition of NCU's excellence in education and research, the Chinese Ministry of Education officially admitted Nanchang University into the national “211 Project” in 1997, signifying the inclusion of NCU into the elite 100 key universities in China.