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Digital stories Narrative technology for health and care

People are getting older, but often with one or more chronic physical or mental illnesses as a result. For this reason, in his inaugural lecture on 18 January, University of Twente Professor Gerben Westerhof will address the need for a new vision for healthcare, which focuses on the person instead of the illness.  

Story Lab: research into stories and technology
Personalized healthcare takes the values and wishes of patients regarding all aspects of the healthcare process into account. These values ​and wishes are expressed in the stories people tell to give meaning to their personal experiences and their lives. In his inaugural lecture, Professor Gerben Westerhof discusses the role of digital technology in designing and researching applications for personalized healthcare. His research into stories and technology is conducted at the Story Lab. 

Digital stories

Technology is used to help people create stories that contribute to their health and wellbeing. One example is the Online Life Story Book, which allows people suffering from dementia to record personal memories. This tool helps them hold on to their own identity and allows them to tell stories about their lives to family members and healthcare providers. Another example is the online treatment tool The Stories We Live By, which allows middle aged and senior citizens suffering from depression to rewrite their life stories.  This treatment helps reduce the symptoms of depression and boosts well-being. 

Analysing Big Data

As more and more digital stories become available, current technology can also be used to analyse the Big Data involved. We are currently investigating whether computers can learn to recognize emotions in people with dementia based on the words they use in their stories about their personal past, but also from their non-verbal communication during storytelling. We also use computer algorithms to investigate stories that healthcare providers and clients exchange in online eHealth applications such as The Stories We Live By. In this way we aim to get more insight into the motivation of participants and the effect of the treatment on patients. 

Use of digital technology

Computers can play an important role in personalized healthcare. When used appropriately, they can assist both patients and healthcare providers in the exchange of personal stories. The use of digital technology in healthcare also creates new focus for the relationship between man and technology. It begs the question of what exactly is essential in terms of human interaction during storytelling, such as listening attentively, taking the storyteller seriously and reflecting on the meaning of the personal stories told. The design of digital technology must include room for the personal stories of users about the technology. 

More information

Professor Gerben Westerhof will give his inaugural lecture in the Breedveld room of the Waaier building on Thursday 18 January at 16:00. Professor Westerhof works in the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences at the University of Twente. A (Dutch) copy of the lecture: ‘Digital Stories: Narrative technology for health and care’ can be requested by sending an email to: m.vanhillegersberg@utwente.nl