HomeNewsInformation evening for neighbours of the UT on 4 April 2019

Information evening for neighbours of the UT on 4 April 2019

Neighbours of the University were invited to the U Park hotel on Thursday April 4, 2019 to be informed about the new environmental permit. The council of Enschede granted the permit. They gave an overview of the permit and the aspects that are linked to it, including the conditions that the University has to comply with.The University has to take measures to safeguard the soil, water, air, waste streams, energy as well as staying within the set limits of sound control.

Reason new environmental permit

One of the reasons to apply for a new permit was the fact that in the course of the years since the last permit was granted in 2004 several changes have been applied for and granted. To combine these into a new permit would create a better overview for both the council and the university. Also, events have changed. Events have more stages which makes it complicated to monitor and control using existing guidelines for noise. Additionally, it is desirable to include dB(C) besides the existing standards (dB(A)) to measure the lower bass tones.

Interest of neighbours

Fourteen neighbours attended the evening and were subsequently informed by the unit Zoning and Permits of the council of Enschede, the unit that monitors and controls the University, the Events Office of the University, the neighbourhood police officer, the representative of housing cooperative De Veste and the contactperson for the neighbours. The evening was facilitated by the Environment and Sustainability Policy Officer of the University. The neighbours criticized the UT for not sufficiently involving them during the application process and for discussing the noise pollution aspect more.

Events Office UT

The Events Office illustrated the approach they fine-tuned with the UT security, the Police and the council of Enschede to ensure complaints are adressed, followed up and registered. When this process is followed the UT can in case of problems retrace the cause and take measures to prevent it from happening again. Also the process that the Events Office follows when students want to organise an event or party was explained. Neighbours emphasized the process looks all right but they will want to see it happen in practice too.


It was agreed we will organise this type of gatherings twice a year. We will inform the neighbours better in what measures the UT takes when complaints have been made. The neighbours present will be informed by email. We invite other residents to share their email address with us. You can leave your details on this site: https://www.utwente.nl/aanmelden-omwonenden