HomeNewsEnschede marathon

Enschede marathon Participate with your colleagues!

The Netherlands’ longest-running marathon is coming around again soon, The Enschede Marathon, which this year will be held on 19 April, has a reputation as a fast-paced event and, together with the Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Eindhoven marathons, is one of the largest marathon events in the Netherlands. Every year, around 80,000 loyal spectators line the course to cheer on the runners. Around 950 enthusiastic and committed volunteers have also traditionally helped to make the day a success.

So of course, the University of Twente also has to be there for this annual spectacle. The Enschede Marathon and the University of Twente are joining forces once again this year for the ‘Where science meets the runner’ conference, but we also want to raise the university’s profile in the area of sports.

  • Sponsoring

    As part of this, Twente staff members will have the opportunity to be sponsored for the Enschede Marathon. Participants can have their participation fees paid, and will be given a stylish University of Twente running shirt to wear during the race.

    You can use the form below to sign up for the Twente running team. You can either participate as a lone runner (5 km, 10 km, half-marathon and full marathon), or as a team* of 3-5 people. Each team can choose between various distances. These are:

    ·       Xsens half marathon

    ·       ROSEN CityRUN 10 km

    ·       Menzis FitRUN 5 km

    *You only need 3 runners (regardless of gender) to take part, so it’s very easy to get a team together (maximum 5 runners), or even several teams. The times of the three runners who cross the finish line first will determine the final ranking of the team.

    Sign up: https://www.utwente.nl/nl/vitaliteit/enschede-marathon/
    Deadline: 1 March 2020

  • Clinics

    In order to help our runners to prepare properly for the big day, the University of Twente will be holding three training clinics in partnership with Roderick Tenbergen and Ynze Keulstra from the physiotherapy Topvorm Twente. They will discuss key subjects such as running technique and injury prevention. The clinics will give you a better understanding of how to build up towards your target distance on the day of the Enschede Marathon itself, how to minimize the chance of injuries during this process, and what you can do during training to optimize your running technique. 
    - 3 March: Injury prevention and core stability, Location: SC3 Sports Centre                            
    - 17 March: Running training session, Location: Utrack                                                          
    - 31 March: Running training session, Location: Utrack                                                                      
    The clinics will take place between 18:00 and 19:00 and will start from the main hall of the Sports Centre. 

  • Registration

    The deadline to register has passed, it's not possible to register anymore. 

    If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Ingrid Bos (i.bosscha@utwente.nl)