HomeNewsLocal resilience network/community: Resilience@UT

Local resilience network/community: Resilience@UT

Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme in which 16 tenure track positions on resilience have been created at 13 faculties across 4TU. 4TU.RE and DeSIRE want to be open communities/networks in which everybody interested in resilience can participate. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Over the past year, 3 one-year post-docs have been funded within this theme. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.

Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks Series

To start this up, we are planning to set-up a “Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks Series”:

  • 2nd Tuesday of the month (except July & August; i.e. 10x/year)
  • Starting March 10, 2020
  • 16-17.30 hrs (1 hour content, half an hour drinks/meeting each other)
  • Location: e.g. Design Lab

Each time we will focus on one theme, e.g. a specific societal challenge or method. The format of the meeting will differ (e.g. 1 or 2 speakers, speed talks followed by parallel in-depth discussions, a workshop, panel discussion, fishbowl, etc etc) and we are thinking of alternate between specific methods or frameworks (e.g. ABM, RA frameworks) and societal challenges, and particularly for the latter, also invite external organizations/persons.

We will start organizing the first meeting of this Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks Series on March 10, 2020, 16-17.30 hrs.
Register for this event by sending an email to 4tu-re-secretariat@utwente.nl.

Best regards,

Prof. dr. Suzanne Hulscher, scientific leader UT-theme Engineering for a Resilient World
Dr. Bas Borsje, project leader UT-theme Engineering for a Resilient World
Dr. Norman Kerle, member UT-theme Engineering for a Resilient World
Prof. dr. Tatiana Filatova, programme leader DeSIRE
Dr. Joanne Vinke-de Kruif, member think tank 4TU.RE
Dr. Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen, managing director 4TU.RE