HomeNewsIn memoriam: Brigit Geveling

In memoriam: Brigit Geveling

The news that our former colleague

Drs B.M. (Brigit) Geveling

passed away on the night of 2 to 3 March 2021, has touched us deeply.

Brigit joined the department in 1985 and was active as a teacher in the Department of Applied Mathematics for thirty-five years. She was the department's undergraduate coordinator for a long time. In that role, she was the anchor for many generations of math students and many students and colleagues from other programmes for whom the math department taught math courses. She contributed substantially to the implementation of the Twente Educational Model in the bachelor programme of Applied Mathematics.

Until the end of her career, she actively searched for the most effective education forms for the changing student. In 2018, she was the winner of the Brinksma Innovation Grant. She used the award to investigate the added value of team-based learning in mathematics courses even though she was already ill at that time.

Brigit was beloved by the students. As a token of appreciation, the students made her an honorary member of the study association Abacus. She will be remembered through the Brigit Geveling Best Presentation Award, that is given to the best presenter at the annual Bachelor Conference, many years ago initiated by Brigit.

Our feelings of sympathy go out to her partner Leo and two daughters Marieke and Saskia, further family and loved ones.

Also, on behalf of the Executive Board and the staff and students of the University of Twente,

Prof. Joost Kok, Dean Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science
Prof. Stephan van Gils, department chair of Applied Mathematics
Prof. Jaap van der Vegt, chair of Mathematics of Computational Sciences
Dr Jan Willem Polderman, former Programme Director Applied Mathematics