HomeNewsSoftware Carpentry workshop

Software Carpentry workshop Sign up

We hereby invite you to participate in our Software Carpentry workshop. Software Carpentry workshops are organized at the University of Twente by 4TU.ResearchData in collaboration with UT Library, the Data Stewards, and the UT Digital Competence Centre (DCC).

A Software Carpentry is a hands-on, four-half-day workshop (online due to COVID measures) that covers the core basic skills needed to work with reproducible code.

The workshop covers task automation with Unix shell, version control with Git, basic concepts of data management, and an introduction to Python programming. This is an introductory course aimed at researchers who have little to no prior programming experience.

The workshops will take place May 31st , 1st , 7th & 8th of June (08.30 - 13.15 hrs.).

Please, register to participate in the software carpentries using the button below.
Note: max 25 people can participate.

Employees with skills in software programming and development can participate as assistants (helpers) in the Software Carpentry workshops organized at the University of Twente. Employees that would like to be assistants can apply here.

Kind regards,

Data Stewards,
Judith, Simone, Qian, and Marianna

Within your faculty, Data Stewards are the first contact point for Research Data Management related matters, such as handling your data in day-to-day practice, writing a data policy for a group or filling in a data management plan for a research proposal.  More information please check with our data stewards.