HomeNewsDevelopment Agents trained at BDU on GIS for Natural Resource Management

Development Agents trained at BDU on GIS for Natural Resource Management

BDU delivered a five days long hands-on training on GIS for Natural Resource Management for the Natural Resource Managers (Development agents) working at District (Woreda) level.

The districts from where the trainees came from were carefully selected and correspond with the study sites of the three BDU PhD students. In general, there were 17 participants who came from five districts of the EENSAT BDU study site (Bahir Dar Zuria District, Libokemkem District, Fogera, Ebinat District, and Mecha District). As usual, the news about the training is posted on BDU's university's Facebook page.  

Male and female development agents participated in the training as well as one very young participant!