HomeNewsTwentse educational institutions and partners receive 2 million for training workers in the energy transition

Twentse educational institutions and partners receive 2 million for training workers in the energy transition

Growth Fund LLO-Katalystor has awarded a grant of 2 million euros to a partnership of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, ROC Twente and University of Twente and partners, for employee training in the energy transition in Twente.

The Twentse partners are joining forces to develop lifelong learning opportunities to meet the major challenges in the field of the energy transition. Together they will be developing and implementing an integral package of educational and training solutions that can be directly applied in the workplace. 

Just as everywhere else in the country, the energy transition also presents many challenges in Twente. There is an increased demand for sufficiently skilled labour with so-called ‘green and digital skills’. And not only the professionals, but also workflows need to be set up more digitally. Through this collaboration, we can achieve customised solutions and training by combining workplace know-how with the scientific knowledge of the UT and education and research at ROC and Saxion.  

The Twentse educational institutions on the importance of this cooperation for Twente: 

'The energy transition is one of the biggest challenges of our time. That is why it is very important that we, as educational institutions, can now develop customised solutions and training together with our partners in the market. This is how we can help prepare Twente for the future and contribute to sustainable employability in the region.'

  • Anka Mulder, President of the Saxion Executive Board
  • Trudy Vos, Chair of the Executive Board, ROC Twente
  • Tom Veldkamp, Rector Magnificus University of Twente 

Maaike Endedijk, André Doree and Felix van Urk were involved for the University of Twente. Endedijk says: 'This grant is a great support for developing a regional approach to lifelong learning across the borders of different knowledge institutions. So we are developing innovative solutions for lifelong learning in which professionals from MBO, HBO and WO backgrounds work, learn and innovate together to accelerate the energy transition.'

The partners in this collaboration are:

De Groot Installatiegroep, Brusche Elektrotechniek, Winkels Techniek, Loohuis Installatiegroep, Engberink Technische Installaties, Alferink Installatietechniek, Van Dam Groep, Linthorst Techniek, Siers Groep,Ter Steege, Cogas Netbeheer, Wij Techniek, Techniek Nederland, Bouwend Nederland, Overijssels Vakmanschap, Municipality of Enschede, Municipality of Hengelo, Stichting Pioneering, Twente Board Development, Industriële Kring Twente, Overijssel, ROC Twente, University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences.

More information about the Growth Fund LLO-Katalysator: llocatalyst.nl.

K.W. Wesselink - Schram MSc (Kees)
Science Communication Officer (available Mon-Fri)