Health - A Matter of Definition?

Being healthy is a state of complete well-being, physically, mentally and socially, according to the World Health Organization. But who is healthy then? Machteld Huber introduced a new concept in which a healthy person is one who is increasingly able to deal with the challenges in these domains. Resilience is essential and can be developed. We live longer, so we have to learn to cope with chronic diseases. Too often the perspective of the patient and his psychological strength are underestimated. This dynamic concept of health is internationally acknowledged and might bring the cost of healthcare down. 


Dr. Machteld Huber studied medicine, was general practitioner and experienced patient herself. She did research at the Louis Bolk Institute and is director of the Institute for Positive Health.


Moderator: prof. dr. Sophia de Rooij, chair of the board MST


Thursday 28 November, 16.00-17.30 hours



In cooperation with Paradoks and Student Affairs Coaching & Counseling