Join P-NUT

Why should you join P-NUT?

As a member of P-NUT (annual membership fee: € 12):

But, most important:

Thus, if you would like to become a member of P-NUT, please download and fill in this 

You can either fill in this form online and send it directly via mail to: p-nut@utwente.nl or you can print it and give it to one of the board members during an event. 


You can cancel your membership at any time by contacting P-NUT via p-nut@utwente.nl*.

*(Please be aware of the following: [1] Cancellations initated otherwise will not be processed. [2] The annual membership fee (€ 12) is due as long as your membership is not terminated on your initiative. [3] There will be no refund for any membership cancellation requested after payment.)