Our goals

P-NUT passes the borders of faculties, departments and even universities by bringing PhDs with different backgrounds together to share their experiences and help each other to grow and become more efficient in their work. Our main objectives are to bring people who share similar interests together in both a professional and informal way, to inform them on the important aspects that might affect or benefit their careers as scientists and share and defend the rights of the PhDs at the UT. These objectives define the three main goals of P-NUT: connectinform and represent the PhD candidates of the University of Twente.



We organise many social activities, such as summer barbeque, laser game, cocktail workshop, bowling, museum visits, etc. We also have a monthly drink in a pub in Enschede, allowing to meet up in an informal setting.


We organise regular lunch meetings, covering various topics, such as taxes, housing in the Netherlands, grant proposals, the UT Optional model, etc. We inform PhD’s about the government decisions that might affect their position and status.


We are the voice of the PhD community in meetings with important parties within the UT, such as the rector, the Twente Graduate School (TGS), and the Human Resources Department (HR). We represent the PhDs from UT at Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN), the national PhD association.