UTP-NUTEventsRegistration P-NUT Cultural Session

Registration P-NUT Cultural Session: Death

Share your culture: Let's talk about Death! 

It might not be the most jolly topic, but let's face it: We are all going to die. But what happens after? Well, that depends on what culture you are part of. Does a grim reaper come and take your soul or do you wander off alone? How do friends and family mourn? How does the burial happen, if at all? And how do we continue to remember our loved ones? Let's learn together with drinks and food at the P-NUT Culture Session: Death.

If you want to share your culture with your peers, prepare 2-3 slides about this. If you just want to listen and learn, that's no problem either. Just sit back and enjoy dinner.

What: P-NUT Cultural Session: Death
When: Thursday, 10th of October, starting at 17:30
Where: CR2506
Cost: free

Terms and Conditions for P-NUT Events: find it here