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Three new DeepNL UT-projects investigate the dynamics of the deep subsurface

Eight new research projects will start within the DeepNL programme. The granted projects focus, among others, on developing geological models of the Dutch subsurface, studying processes that can lead to induced earthquakes, developing models that predict these earthquakes and their effects at the surface, and modelling of subsidence in Groningen. The projects encompass a total budget of more than 8 million euros.

Integrated subsurface modelling beneath Groningen and on-shore Netherlands from multi-data probabilistic inversions (INTEGRATION)

Main applicant: Dr. J.C. Afonso (UT)
Co-applicants: Prof. dr. M. van der Meijde (UT); Dr. B. Root (TU Delft); Dr. S.J.T. Hangx (UU); Dr. I.E.A.M. Fadel (UT)

The Dutch society is facing a challenge to convert to a green energy provision. To meet global targets for green energy we need to understand the Dutch subsurface in much greater detail than ever before. In our proposal we will create a novel data-fusion technique to make optimal use of the unprecedented amount of data that is available for the Netherlands, which until now it has only been sparsely used. Our model will combine all this data to unveil the hidden potential of the Dutch subsurface for generating clean geothermal energy and storage of CO2 and H2.

SHAWave - Seismic Hazard Assessment for Future Subsurface Activities: A Waveform-based Approach

Main applicant: Prof. dr. M. van der Meijde (UT)
Co-applicants: Dr. ir. C.V. Verhoosel (TU/e); Dr. K. Weemstra (TU Delft); Dr. ir. J.J.C. Remmers (TU/e); Prof. dr. ir. D.M.J. Smeulders (TU/e); Dr. I.E.A.M. Fadel (UT)

The Netherlands seems so flat. But in the subsurface we see a completely different reality with high mountains and deep valleys. These have a strong influence on the surface effects of shallow earthquakes, like in the gas fields in the north of the Netherlands. This can result in very local, but strong, variations in seismic intensity at the surface. In this research we study these effects and explore how we can use this knowledge to get a better forecast of earthquake hazard for future exploitation projects, like for geothermal.

FastSlip: Bridging Dynamic Fault Slip Multiphysics to All Relevant Scales of Induced Seismicity

Main applicant: Dr. A. Niemeijer (UU)
Co-applicants: Dr. Hongyang Cheng (UT), Dr. Tanmaya Mishra (UT)

Earthquakes often result in damage to buildings and infrastructure and sometimes loss of human lives. Induced earthquakes due to human activities like gas extraction, are the result of fast slip on powder‐filled pre‐existing faults in the subsurface due to a rapid breakdown of their strength. The physical mechanisms contributing to the rapid failure remain unclear. In this project we will perform experiments at scales of a single rock grain to millions of grains combined with computer models to investigate these weakening mechanisms. Our results will help to better constrain the hazard of induced earthquakes. 

drs. J.G.M. van den Elshout (Janneke)
Press relations (available Mon-Fri)