Women’s Health launches website

International Women’s Day 2022 marks the day that the special research programme called Women’s Health (WH) launched its website. The multidisciplinary group of researchers work together on solving health and wellbeing-related problems in various life phases of women. On the website, WH gives an overview of all the research at the University of Twente related to the health and wellbeing of women.

The new collaboration wants to bring new technologies specific to women’s health. "Current healthcare research traditionally has a male first approach, which not always gives the most optimal solution fit for female patients. Differences between men and women occur in health and disease manifestation, and also in response to treatment. We work to improve women’s health and wellbeing throughout their lifespan thereby benefiting both women, their children and loved ones, and thus impact society as a whole“, says Prof. Dr. Sabine Siesling, chair of Women’s Health.


On the WH website, you can find an overview of all UT’s researchers working on technology for Women’s Health. Several research projects are shown in 1-minute videos where the involved researchers explain their work. “Within our multidisciplinary research group at the UT, we focus on bringing new technologies specific to women’s health to those in need, thereby supporting the personalization of diagnosis and treatment. The researchers shown on our website are but a highlight of all the women’s health research at UT. Together, we work on gaining knowledge on the physical and mental health of women, including anatomy, physiology and pathology of the female body but also looking at wellbeing throughout their life”, says Siesling.


WH has four main objectives all focused on empowering women by education and knowledge creation/translation. The researchers want to design and develop new data strategies and technologies for and with women. They also want to personalize health(care) with responsible use of data, AI and patient perspectives. As a third objective, WH wants to optimize care and quality of life for women from a holistic point of view. And lastly, WH works on increasing the participation of women with and without female related health conditions in health care and research. “Clinical trials still often include more men, as it is thought that hormone fluctuations would possibly influence the trial.”


The website has been launched on the 8th of March. For more information on Women’s Health and an overview of all the UT-researchers working within the Women’s Health cluster, please visit the WH website.