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Projects on Resilience Themes

Projects and Initiatives related to Resilience

There are numerous projects and initiatives supporting the resilience theme at the University of Twente, many of them in collaboration with other public and private sector partners. Listed below are a few of those that are current.  The five UT faculties all contribute to addressing aspects of societal resilience in the areas of safety, health and climate.

Project / Initiative (Examples)

UT FACULTy/ department and contact

Energy efficient and resilient internet (Funded by EEMCS Faculty)

EEMCS - Computer Science, and Design and Analysis of Communication Systems   Contact:  Dr. Suzan Bayhan 

EDGE Center for Networked Systems and Intelligence  
Sustainability Lab: Promoting environmentally responsible practices in ICT, edge computing and IoT to minimize ecological impact and foster sustainable technological growth. 
Internet of Things security Lab -  Ensuring the security and privacy of IoT ecosystems through research, development, and testing of robust cybersecurity solutions.

 EEMCS - Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems, Design and Analysis of Communication Systems, Pervasive Systems group
Contact - Sustainability Lab:  Dr. Ana-Lucia Varbanescu

Sustainable Circular Economy Transition: From Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity (IS2H4C):  transforming industrial zones into hubs for circularity (H4C) for near zero emission regions  (Horizon Europe, 2024-28).

BMS - Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems
Contact:  Dr. Devrim Yazan , BMS

Dense and highly stable polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for brackish water treatment 
(Funding: NX Filtration, TKI Chemistry, 2023- 27)

S&T - Membrane Science and Technology
Contact: Prof. Wiebe de Vos 

Adapt! - Security in Open Societies (SOSproject will radically advance the current state of knowledge, insights, tools, and strategies that can boost the ability of citizens, frontline professionals, and policymakers to collectively address three types of crises: pandemic-related,  violent extremism, and disasters such as floods and earthquakes (Lead: Utrecht University) (NWO Zwartekracht - begins in 2025)

BMS - Psychology of Conflict and Security and BMS - Public Adminstration
Contact: Prof. Ellen Geibels (BMS)

"COMBINED" Climate and Biodiversity project Netherlands  (funded by NWA, 2024-2030). Partners: UTwente, Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Research Institute, Has- Green Academy. Website in development.

Contact:  Dr. Steven McGreevy  (BMS)

 PARATUS: Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters (Horizon Europe)

Paratus project Blog: Why should we know what a disaster costs? (paratus-project.eu) 

Contact project: dr. Funda Atun  and prof.dr. Cees van Westen 
Contact Blog: dr. Marija Bockarjova 

SpongeWorks - Co-creating and Upscaling Sponge Landscapes by Working with Natural Water Retention and Sustainable Management (Horizon Europe, 4 year project will start September 2024); Website in development. 
Partners: Deltares (lead), UT, Leibniz University Hannover, IIASA, Vechtstromen and others

ET - Integrated Project Management, Civil Engineering & Management with Design, Production and Management (1 PhD); Designlab; and BMS - Governance and Technology for Sustainability 
Contact: Dr. Joanne Vinke - de Kruijf (ET)

GOVAQUA - Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe
(Horizon Europe and UKRI 2023-27)
Partners: Ecologic Insitute (DE), University of Twente (NL), University of Cordoba and Water Technology Center (ES), International Office for Water and French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (FR), WWF Romania (RO), Alliance for Water Stewardship, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, The Rivers Trust (UK)

BMS - Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM)
UT Contact: Dr. Gül Özerol (BMS)

SALTISolutions: Guaranteeing freshwater with a virtual delta (Rhine-Meuse Delta):  investigates potential measures to mitigate the effects of salinity intrusion, including nature-based solutions. More than 30 partners: TU Delft, Lead 

ET - Human-Centred Design.
Contact: Dr. Robert-Jan den Haan (ET)

Agent based modelling and disease diffusionunderstanding the spread of infectious diseases in space and time.

Contact:  Dr. Ellen-Wien Augustijn (ITC)

Climate-resilient WASH among people experiencing homelessness in cities identifying appropriate solutions and interventions.  (Funded by ITC)

ITC - Geohealth
Contact:  Dr. Carmen Anthonj  (ITC)

4TU Green Sensors Programme: Green and Biodegradable soil sensor systems for future smart agriculture

EEMCS Radio Systems group
Contact:   Dr.  A.B.J. Kokkeler 

 4TU.E-Health: Medical and health technology

EEMCS: Biomedical Signals and Systems. 
Contact:  Prof, N.J.J. Verdonschot (Nico)

Water management and savings on campus

Campus Facility Management (Service)
Contact: sustainability@utwente.nl 

Faculties: Behavioural, Management and Social sciences (BMS); Engineering Technology (ET); Science and Technology (S&T); Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS); Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)

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