Run with your own twin digital athlete

smart wearables for sensing leg biomechanics in the wild

Are you passionate about wearable technologies for sensing human movement? Are you interested in developing fully wearable technologies for sensing human biomechanics, out of constrained laboratory conditions and directly in the real world? Join us for an ambitious project across two faculties (ET and EECMS), three research groups (RAM, BSS, BE), and the UT’s Robotics Centre.

This is framed as part of the “Mission I.A.M.” initiative (link:, which aims at creating a wearable tech that will monitor biomechanical health continuously during ultra-marathon races to ultimately develop bionic legs that can be used anytime, anywhere, by anyone. We are now targeting developing a prototype ready to be used for the Marathon Des Sables, Jordan edition, on November 1-8, 2025 (

We will assemble a team of 3 MSc students who will work together for 9 months for the development of (1) reusable, durable and wearable muscle sensors, (2) minimal sensing setups, and (3) digital human twins.

  • MSc Student 1 – Development of a smart sportswear (e.g., sensorized shoe and socks)
    • Develop custom re-usable, soft sensors for electro- and force-myography. We have gained experience in multiple previous projects to make customized/personalised flexible and wearable sensors by multi-material 3D printing (see e.g. this project).
    •  Use off-the-shelf electronics and integrate all sensors into the wearable sportswear, including a processing unit for projects 2-3 algorithms e.g., Raspberry Pi 4. 


    Gijs Krijnen:

  • MSc Student 2 – Minimal off-the-shelf IMU set up for leg kinematics and kinetics

    Your work is primarily under the supervision of Frank Wouda.

    You will

    • Use existing IMUs in combination with sensor fusion techniques.
    • Implement sensor-to-segment calibration.
    • Implement methods for estimation segment orientations using a small sensor set (e.g., data-driven or biomechanically driven).
    • Implement everything on an embedded system.
    • Provide required input for project 3.


    Frank Wouda:

  • MSc Student 3 – Real-time sensors-driven digital athletes

    You work primarily under the supervision of Massimo Sartori.

    You will:

    • Use in-house numerical tools such as OpenSim and CEINMS to establish digital human twins i.e., models of the human musculoskeletal system that simulate how our muscles interact with our skeletal system to make us move.
    • Implement a simple digital human twin on an embedded system (Raspberry Pi).
    • Use sensors and methods form projects 1-2 to calibrate and drive such digital humans. Validate models accuracy against ground truth data.


    Massimo Sartori:

Gantt Chart

Project 1


Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Literature study








Define what to measure








Define how to measure it








Design the sensor and embedding








Design the sensor interface








Fabricate the sensors








Characterise the sensors








Conclude and write up








Project 2


Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Sensor to segment calibration










Segment orientation estimation










Implement everything on the embedded system




















 Project 3: (max 9 months)


Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Implement basic equations of a minimal digital twin on an embedded system









Calibration and validation of against ground truth (inverse dynamics)










Refinement of an embedded digital twin to operate with sensors developed in projects 1 and 3.










Greenlight meeting and thesis defence










Group Descriptions

BSS: Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS) is a multidisciplinary group based in Electrical Engineering, focussing on finding solutions for medical challenges via signal and system analysis. Advanced (ambulatory) sensor technology combined with our broad knowledge of the human body as a dynamic system enables (eHealth) technology to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sensory, motor and internal dysfunction in clinical and home/self-care settings. Our research helps to improve the quality of life of the elderly, people with chronic diseases and rehabilitation patients.  

RAM: The Robotics and Mechatronics (RaM) group is active on both fundamental and application-driven topics in the field of robotics. We develop novel fundamental paradigms and physically based methodologies, which we then translate in the Lab into demonstrators and prototypes. The area of robot application is mostly in healthcare and inspection and maintenance. The research is embedded in the TechMed and DSI Institutes. In RAM the NIFTy (Nature Inspired Fabrication & Technology) focuses on the 3D printing of structures with embedded sensors and actuators. The RAM 3D print lab has an extensive array of 3D printers allowing them to print from very soft to rather stiff materials. Electrical conductivity is provided by carbon black doped materials like thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) or poly-lactic acid (PLA). The available 3D printers allow for up to 5 materials to be printed in one print. A more recent and explorative material we are working on is carbon black doped silicone.

BE’s Neuro-Mechanical Modelling & Engineering Lab: We interface robotic technologies with the neuromuscular system to improve movement. We apply modelling and signal processing, in a translational way, to develop novel real-time bio-inspired assistive technologies. Our goal is to establish a roadmap for discovering fundamental principles of movement at the interface between humans and wearable robots ultimately for improving human health. Check out our pages:

Robotics Centre: The Robotics Centre is a dynamic hub where research, education, innovation, and broad community intertwine. With our human-centred robotics approach, we develop solutions for pressing challenges in healthcare, industry and society that improve life. Our innovation centre speeds up R&D through joint innovation roadmaps and consortia, accelerating breakthroughs. We innovate and collaborate with students, researchers, business partners, NGOs, governments, and the media to develop robotic solutions that truly benefit society.