Contact Strategic Business Development (SBD)

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Our main office area is at the Citadel, but some of our colleagues are also located in the faculty buildings.

Office Support SBD
Office Support SBD

Contact per faculty 


Your faculty Grants Advisor

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All Faculty Grants Advisors
Grants Office General
Grants Office General


dr. C.N. Popa (Catalin)
dr. C.N. Popa (Catalin)
Research Grants Advisor


dr. A.M. Albers (Anke Marit)
dr. A.M. Albers (Anke Marit)
Research Grants Advisor


dr. H. Abdizadeh (Haleh)
dr. H. Abdizadeh (Haleh)
Research Grants Advisor


M.L. Carosso (Maria Luisa)
M.L. Carosso (Maria Luisa)
Research Grants Advisor


dr. C.N. Popa (Catalin)
dr. C.N. Popa (Catalin)
Research Grants Advisor

SBD departments

About us

The Strategic Business Development (SBD) team works to increase the economic and social impact of the University of Twente by connecting the university’s outstanding research capabilities with the market and wider society, both in the Netherlands and beyond, in ways that are effective and distinctive. SBD contributes specifically to the university’s broad knowledge transfer objectives by both increasing and expanding its strategic and sustainable partnerships with companies, funds, Top Consortiums for Knowledge and Innovation (TKIs), non-profit organisations such as hospitals, and government bodies at regional, national and international level.

In a proactive manner, SBD seizes and creates opportunities to generate impact and fulfill the aspirations outlined in 'Shaping 2030'. SBD is responsive to society demands and provides support to scientists during the initial phases of their collaboration. Moreover, SBD provides expertise to the university's organisation and its stakeholders with a view to shaping collaboration, ensuring that promising initiatives find their way within relevant faculties and/or research groups. By connecting external parties with the appropriate scientific domains and positioning the Chief Development Officer as a leading ambassador for the organisation.


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